The Alabama School of Mathematics and Science

The Alabama School of Mathematics and Science is our state’s only fully public and residential high school for sophomores, juniors, and seniors seeking advanced studies in math, science, computer science, and the humanities. Tuition, room, and board are free.
ASMS students are committed to community involvement. Whether tutoring elementary students, helping with Coastal Clean-up, organizing food drives, building Habitat for Humanity homes, rescuing animals, giving blood, or feeding the homeless.
Community Involvement: The culture of volunteerism, so deeply ingrained at ASMS, is rooted in a concerted effort by the school to teach students that helping others is an important character trait in successful leaders.
We offer students the opportunity to live among peers who share a passion for learning and drive for excellence. All students live in spacious dormitories under the supervision of professional staff who are trained to work with students to build self-esteem, reduce stress, increase self-awareness, develop communication skills, manage time, and clarify goals and values.
President: Dr. John Hoyle
Counseling Services: ASMS employs a full time personal counselor to support the mental health and well-being of students and help them achieve personal growth. The ASMS personal counselor provides individual and group counseling throughout the school year to educate and connect students. The personal counselor can also offer information to faculty, staff, parents, and others for how they can support their student and information on helping a student in crisis.
ASMS employs a full time nurse who can assist students with all things health and wellness. When students are not feeling well, the nurse is there to help. For students who take medicine on a daily basis, the nurse can facilitate proper administration.
Clubs and Activities: Extracurricular activities include Goofy Olympics, Spirit Week, Geekfest, movies, Senior Bowl, Stress Fest, Laser Tag, on-campus swimming, intramural sports, Winter Formal, Ultimate Frisbee, Prom, weight lifting, hall competitions, and much more.
Students can also establish their own organizations based on their interests. ASMS is home to a myriad of clubs ranging from MineCraft Club, French Club, Key Club, and even Where is Bigfoot Club.
The Alabama School of Mathematics and Science
1255 Dauphin St, US Mobile, AL 36604
Tel: (251) 441-2100
Admissions: (251) 441-2140
Residence Life: (251) 441-2130