Queenswood School

Queenswood is a community where girls achieve outstanding results, both in and beyond the classroom. The opportunities for growth and development for boarders and day girls are extensive, exciting and fun. Most importantly, Queenswood girls are happy – and happy girls are successful girls.
At Queenswood we place great importance on the spiritual, physical and mental wellbeing of all our pupils. Our extensive co-curricular programme offers a wealth of exciting opportunities beyond the classroom.
Principal: Mrs Jo Cameron
School Division:
Lower School, Middle School, Sixth Form
A welcoming international community:
We welcome girls from around the world. Overseas applicants are required to go through the same assessment process as those candidates who are resident in the UK. Girls for whom English is an additional language will also be required to sit an English as an Additional Language (EAL) paper. Arrangements can be made for girls to sit their entrance papers overseas if they are unable to come to Queenswood for the assessment day itself. Entrance interviews can also be conducted online.
Boarding School: Boarding allows girls to establish their independence while fostering a sense of care and concern for others, seizing every opportunity, and making friends for life.
More than half the girls in the school take advantage of our attractive and spacious boarding accommodation, whether full-time or through one of our flexible packages. Queenswood offers one of the most comprehensive suite of flexible boarding packages in the country, with girls able to board on a one-, two- or three-night basis.
The Library: The Pauline Edgar Library is situated at the very heart of the School, in one of Queenswood’s most beautiful architectural spaces. Originally the swimming baths, the building is now home to an ever-expanding collection of 20,000 resources from Shakespearean criticism to the latest prize-winning fiction, together with a large range of popular, classic and subject-related films and documentaries.
Queenswood girls love to congregate here – whether they’re relaxing whilst reading on the comfy sofas, holding discussions around the large tables or studying and revising.