Headington School

Headington Rd, Oxford – OX3 7TD, United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0) 1865 759100
Email: admissions@headington.org
Website: www.headington.org
Head Mistress: Mrs Caroline Jordan, MA Oxon
Boarding Options: Around one in four of our Senior School girls is a boarder and they come to Headington from the UK, Europe and all over the world. The numbers grow as you go up the School, with a junior boarding house of 30 for our Year 7 to 9 girls, two houses for the middle years and a large Sixth Form house. More information about our boarding houses can be found here.
Our Boarding Houses: There are five boarding houses at Headington, providing accommodation for more than 200 girls aged from 11-18. Boarding at Headington is fun and friendly and girls benefit hugely from the facilities, support and friendships they form in the boarding houses.
Activities: The skills developed through taking part in these kinds of activities – leadership, Teamwork, Co-operation, Organisational skills, Delegation, not to mention practical skills – will stay with you and complement the academic advances you are making in the classroom.