Loretto School

Loretto School
1-7 Linkfield Road, Musselburgh EH217RE, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)131 653 4444
Email: office@loretto.com
Website: www.loretto.com
Head of School: Mr Pete Richardson
Boarding Head: Mrs. Madeline Bonner
Our Day And Boarding Houses, A Home To Nurture Their Talent
The first thing you notice when you enter the Loretto campus is the warmth, energy and positivity of both pupils and staff. You will always be greeted by both staff members and pupils when walking round our campus. The relationships between our pupils and staff are marked by kindness, care and respect. At Loretto, pupils become the heart of our family, where they are given outstanding opp-ortunities to grow and prepare for a fulfilling life.
Being a small school, with a superb staff to pupil ratio (1:7), enables staff to know and nurture every child, unveiling and fostering their talents. Whether Day or Boarding pupils, Loretto’s extensive programme is designed to cater to every child’s interests. Our full week schedule and extensive after school activities ensure every pupil has a full and purposeful school life.
Grade Levels:
Secondary – F2, F3, F4, F5, L6, U6
Boarding Options:
Full Boarding
5 – Night Flexi Boarding
3 – Night Flexi Boarding
Day Boarding
Co-Curricular Activities: Performing Arts, Music, Sports, Theatre, Choir, Debate, Arts & Crafts, Photography, Language Support, Robotics, Coding, Swimming, Football / Soccer, Tennis, Badminton, Science & Technology, Nature & Climate.
Our houses, the centre of our pupil’s daily lives
At Loretto, our Day and Boarding Houses offer more than locker space and accommodation, they are the centre of our pupils’ daily lives, the community to which they belong. Allocated to one of our five Houses and looked after by dedicated staff, pupils find a place they can call home. Full Boarders, Weekly Boarders, Flexi Boarders and Day Pupils alike can relax, socialise and study under the experienced supervision of resident pastoral teams. Houses are also where pupils take time out, where they are free to be themselves and where relationships between age groups are natural and easy.
The Housemistresses and Housemasters are crucial figures, giving sound advice when necessary and encouraging pupils to build a rich and varied life at Loretto. Each pupil is also part of a small tutor group, meeting on a daily basis.