Havergal College

1451 Avenue Rd Toronto, ON M5N 2H9, Canada
Tel: 416-483-3519
Email: info@havergal.on.ca
Website: www.havergal.on.ca
Principal: Katrina Samson
Junior School (JK – Gr. 6)
Middle School (Gr. 7 – 8)
Senior School (Gr. 9 – 12)
Boarding: Located in the Upper School, the Boarding School provides unique experiences filled with opportunities for girls to learn, grow and make lifelong friends. Boarding students are fully engaged in our student body and school life through classroom learning, co-curricular programs, teams, clubs and other school activities. Havergal has been welcoming Boarding students (Grades 9 to 12) into our community since 1894. While they come from approximately 20 different countries, Boarders share many qualities: an enthusiasm for acquiring an excellent education, an openness to experience new situations and adventures, and an aptitude for hard work and good fun.
Digital Wisdom: Digital Wisdom is a unique-to-Havergal course created to help our students develop skills, mindsets and approaches to safely and effectively thrive in a digitally mediated world. This course is offered to students in Grades 5 to 8 as an integrated program.